Termékek ablaktelepítés becslések (15)

Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Forniamo montaggio, smontaggio e assistenza completa. I nostri tecnici possono installare macchine e linee industriali nel vostro stabilimento o presso i vostri clienti facilità. Abbiamo un forte team di meccanici ed elettricisti esperti nel lavorare in diversi paesi, condizioni e con macchine diverse. Comunichiamo in inglese, tedesco e polacco. Disponiamo delle attrezzature e degli strumenti necessari per svolgere tutte le attività. Arriviamo sempre al progetto completamente attrezzati e pronti a lavorare. Realizziamo il progetto sulla base della documentazione affidata, adattandoci alle linee guida del cliente. Forniamo il servizio di massima qualità. Abbiamo a cuore la sicurezza e la tempestività. Abbiamo già completato numerosi progetti in tutta Europa, tra cui sistemi di smistamento completamente automatici, separatori di fogli di alluminio, stazioni automobilistiche, linee di produzione di finestre, ecc. Come partner commerciale siamo molto flessibili e pronti per nuove sfide.
Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás Európa-szerte

Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás Európa-szerte

We provide complete assembly, disassembly and service. Our technicians can install machines and industrial lines in your factory or at your customers' premises." Ease. We have a strong team of mechanics and electricians with experience working in different countries, under different conditions and with different machines. We communicate in English, German and Polish. We have the necessary equipment and tools to perform all tasks. We always come to the project fully equipped and ready for work. We implement the project based on the given documentation, adapting to the customer's specifications. We provide service of the highest quality. We value safety and speed.
Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Professzionális műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Professzionális műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Wij verzorgen montage, demontage en volledige begeleiding. Onze monteurs kunnen machines en industriële lijnen installeren in uw fabriek of bij uw klanten gemak. We hebben een sterk team van monteurs en elektriciens die ervaring hebben met het werken in verschillende landen, omstandigheden en met verschillende machines. Wij communiceren in het Engels, Duits en Pools. Wij beschikken over het benodigde materieel en gereedschap om alle werkzaamheden uit te voeren. Wij komen altijd volledig uitgerust en klaar om aan de slag te gaan op het project. Wij voeren het project uit op basis van de toevertrouwde documentatie, aangepast aan de richtlijnen van de klant. Wij bieden service van de hoogste kwaliteit. Wij vinden veiligheid en tijdigheid belangrijk. We hebben al talloze projecten in heel Europa voltooid, waaronder volautomatische sorteersystemen, aluminiumfoliescheiders, automotive stations, raamproductielijnen, enz.
Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése. - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése. - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Ofrecemos montaje, desmontaje y asistencia completa. Nuestros técnicos pueden instalar máquinas y líneas industriales en su fábrica o en las instalaciones de sus clientes. facilidad. Contamos con un sólido equipo de mecánicos y electricistas con experiencia trabajando en diferentes países, condiciones y con diferentes máquinas. Nos comunicamos en inglés, alemán y polaco. Contamos con los equipos y herramientas necesarios para realizar todas las actividades. Siempre llegamos al proyecto completamente equipados y listos para trabajar. Realizamos el proyecto en base a la documentación encargada, adaptándonos a las directrices del cliente. Brindamos el servicio de la más alta calidad. Nos preocupamos por la seguridad y la puntualidad. Ya hemos completado numerosos proyectos en toda Europa, incluidos sistemas de clasificación totalmente automáticos, separadores de papel de aluminio, estaciones de automoción, líneas de producción de ventanas, etc.
Tetőfedési munkák

Tetőfedési munkák

load-bearing construction fire protection installation of windows and balconies attic insulation and vapour barrier (if necessary) waterproofing roof installation drainage system installation
Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Ablakgyártó vonalak telepítése - Szakmai műszaki szolgáltatás egész Európában

Nous assurons un montage, un démontage et un service complets. Nos techniciens peuvent installer des machines et des lignes industrielles dans votre usine ou chez vos clients. facilité. Nous disposons d’une solide équipe de mécaniciens et d’électriciens expérimentés dans le travail dans différents pays, conditions et avec différentes machines. Nous communiquons en anglais, allemand et polonais. Nous disposons du matériel et des outils nécessaires pour réaliser toutes les tâches. Nous arrivons toujours au projet entièrement équipés et prêts à travailler. Nous mettons en œuvre le projet sur la base de la documentation confiée, en nous adaptant aux directives du client. Nous fournissons un service de la plus haute qualité. Nous nous soucions de la sécurité et de la rapidité.


Szukasz niezawodnych usług sprzątania, które zapewnią najwyższą higienę i porządek w Twoim obiekcie? Nowima oferuje kompleksowe rozwiązania dla hoteli, restauracji, magazynów, biur, oraz obiektów przemysłowych i logistycznych. Nasz zespół specjalistów dokładnie analizuje potrzeby każdego klienta, zapewniając efektywne sprzątanie dostosowane do indywidualnych wymagań. Dzięki naszemu doświadczeniu i nowoczesnemu wyposażeniu gwarantujemy najwyższą jakość usług w każdym zakątku Europy, niezależnie od wielkości i rodzaju obiektu. CZYM SIĘ ZAJMUJEMY? NOWIMA oferuje spersonalizowane rozwiązania sprzątające, które idealnie odpowiadają na Twoje potrzeby. Nasz doświadczony zespół wyróżnia się niezawodnością, efektywnością i wysoką jakością obsługi, dbając o to, aby Twoje otoczenie było zawsze czyste. SPRZĄTANIE HOTELI Nasze usługi sprzątania hoteli są dostosowane do Twoich indywidualnych wymagań i zapewniają utrzymanie najwyższych standardów czystości. Profesjonalny zespół NOWIMA działa dyskretnie i skutecznie, gwarantując, że każdy zakątek hotelu będzie lśnił, a Twoi goście będą zachwyceni komfortem pobytu. GENERALNE SPRZĄTANIE Oferujemy kompleksowe sprzątanie wszystkich pomieszczeń, obejmujące zarówno czyszczenie na sucho, jak i mokro podłóg, ścian i innych powierzchni. Zajmujemy się również usuwaniem śmieci, aby zapewnić pełny porządek i świeżość w Twojej przestrzeni. MYCIE OKIEN Zapewniamy perfekcyjnie czyste okna, zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz, w tym również ramy i parapety. Nasz zespół korzysta z profesjonalnych środków czyszczących, aby Twoje okna były krystalicznie czyste i lśniące. SPRZĄTANIE BIUR Nasze usługi sprzątania biur obejmują odkurzanie, mycie biurek, kuchni oraz toalet. Dbamy o czystość, dzięki czemu Twoje biuro staje się komfortowym i przyjaznym miejscem pracy. USŁUGI SPRZĄTANIA PO REMONTACH Po zakończeniu remontu przywracamy pełen porządek, usuwając gruz i przeprowadzając dokładne czyszczenie powierzchni. Nasza ekipa szybko i sprawnie przygotuje przestrzeń do ponownego użytkowania. SPRZĄTANIE ŁAZIENEK Profesjonalnie zadbamy o higienę w łazienkach, czyszcząc toalety, umywalki oraz kabiny prysznicowe. Wykorzystujemy skuteczne środki dezynfekujące, które gwarantują czystość i bezpieczeństwo w kluczowych obszarach sanitarnych. SPRZĄTANIE KAWIARNI I RESTAURACJI Specjalizujemy się w utrzymaniu najwyższych standardów czystości w kawiarniach i restauracjach. Obejmuje to czyszczenie stołów, krzeseł, baru, kuchni oraz pomieszczeń sanitarnych, aby Twoi goście mogli cieszyć się czystym i przyjemnym otoczeniem. CZYSZCZENIE ZEWNĘTRZNE Zadbamy o wygląd zewnętrzny Twojego budynku, oferując profesjonalne mycie ścian, okien i innych powierzchni zewnętrznych. Dzięki naszej usłudze Twój obiekt będzie prezentował się nienagannie. DLACZEGO KLIENCI WYBIERAJĄ NOWIMA? Wysoko wykwalifikowani pracownicy – Nasi specjaliści są w pełni przeszkoleni w zakresie obsługi sprzętu oraz stosowania środków czystości, co gwarantuje skuteczne wykonanie każdego rodzaju sprzątania. Indywidualne podejście – Nasze usługi są dopasowane do specyficznych potrzeb klientów, uwzględniając wielkość obiektu, branżę oraz szczególne wymagania, co pozwala na stworzenie idealnie dobranego planu sprzątania. Nowoczesny sprzęt – Inwestujemy w profesjonalne narzędzia i produkty, które zapewniają szybkie i niezawodne sprzątanie w różnych obszarach. Ekologiczne środki czystości – Stosujemy przetestowane i przyjazne dla środowiska środki, które nie tylko gwarantują efektywność, ale również świadczą o naszej trosce o środowisko naturalne. GDZIE DBAMY O CZYSTOŚĆ I PORZĄDEK? biura hotele, apartamenty, hostele restauracje, bary, kawiarnie, kuchnie przemysłowe przestrzenie przemysłowe i magazyny centra biznesowe i handlowe samochody, jachty, samoloty
ablakok és ajtók

ablakok és ajtók

We offer metal-plastic windows and doors, as well as aluminum windows, doors and facades. High-quality, warm and beautiful. High energy efficiency: Profile 70 uses advanced materials that significantly increase insulation and reduce heat loss, ensuring energy savings and reducing heating and air conditioning costs. With the use of double-glazed windows with a width of 48 mm
PCV ablakok

PCV ablakok

Okna Od klasyki do nowoczesności Oferujemy szeroki wybór produktów dopasowanych do potrzeb klienta. W naszym katalogu znajdują się okna z DREWNA, PCV, ALUMINIUM w różnorodnych stylach oraz kolorystyce. Doradzimy, dokonamy dokładnego pomiaru oraz zamontujemy wszystko zgodnie z najwyższej jakości procedurami. Drzwi Bezpieczeństwo i styl Zgodnie z teorią, że DRZWI to wizytówka każdego domu, w swojej ofercie posiadamy stylowe i nowoczesne produkty, które zaspokoją potrzeby nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów. Dodatkowo dajemy gwarancję bezpieczeństwa, ponieważ uważamy, że DRZWI poza tym, że mają dobrze wyglądać, to przede wszystkim powinny zapewnić OCHRONĘ. Rolety i Żaluzje Energooszczędność Bezpieczeństwo Prywatność Stanowią idealną ochronę przed hałasem znacznie poprawiając komfort życia w mieszkaniu i zmniejszają zapotrzebowanie budynku na energię cieplną, obniżając koszty ogrzewania lub klimatyzowania budynku.
Ablakgyártó Sorok Telepítése - Professzionális Műszaki Szolgáltatás Egész Európában

Ablakgyártó Sorok Telepítése - Professzionális Műszaki Szolgáltatás Egész Európában

Wir bieten komplette Montage, Demontage und Service. Unsere Techniker können Maschinen und Industrielinien in Ihrer Fabrik oder bei Ihren Kunden installieren.“ Leichtigkeit. Wir verfügen über ein starkes Team von Mechanikern und Elektrikern mit Erfahrung in der Arbeit in verschiedenen Ländern, unter verschiedenen Bedingungen und mit unterschiedlichen Maschinen. Wir kommunizieren auf Englisch, Deutsch und Polnisch. Wir verfügen über die notwendigen Geräte und Werkzeuge, um alle Aufgaben auszuführen. Wir kommen immer voll ausgestattet und einsatzbereit zum Projekt. Wir realisieren das Projekt auf Basis der vorgegebenen Dokumentation und passen uns dabei den Vorgaben des Kunden an. Wir bieten Service von höchster Qualität. Wir legen Wert auf Sicherheit und Geschwindigkeit.
Energiahatékony PVC Ablakok ClimaStar 82 (VEKA Softline 82 MD)

Energiahatékony PVC Ablakok ClimaStar 82 (VEKA Softline 82 MD)

The ultimate choice for energy efficiency and comfort Overview Introducing the ClimaStar 82 PVC windows, a revolutionary solution designed to meet the demands of modern architecture while prioritizing energy efficiency and comfort. These windows are engineered with cutting-edge technology to provide superior thermal insulation, exceptional acoustic performance, and elegant aesthetics, making them the ideal choice for both new constructions and renovations. Exceptional thermal performance At the heart of the ClimaStar 82 design is its remarkable thermal insulation capability. With a frame depth of 82 mm, these windows feature a multi-chamber profile system developed by VEKA, which includes seven chambers in the frame and six in the sash. This advanced design minimizes heat transfer, achieving a low heat transfer coefficient (Uw). Homeowners can enjoy a comfortable indoor climate year-round, significantly reducing reliance on heating and cooling systems. The ClimaStar 82 windows are perfect for properties utilizing modern energy solutions such as heat pumps, photovoltaics, and recuperation systems. By maintaining optimal indoor temperatures, these windows contribute to lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint. Outstanding acoustic insulation In addition to their thermal efficiency, ClimaStar 82 windows excel in acoustic insulation. With an impressive sound reduction rating of up to 46 dB, these windows create a peaceful living environment by effectively blocking out external noise. This feature is particularly beneficial for homes located in urban areas or near busy roads, allowing residents to enjoy tranquillity without disturbance from the outside world. Stylish design options The aesthetic appeal of ClimaStar 82 windows is undeniable. Their flat and precise V-weld design ensures a sleek appearance that complements any architectural style—from classic to contemporary. Available in a variety of colours and veneers, homeowners can customize their windows to match their personal taste and home decor. Whether you prefer a classic white finish or a rich wood texture, ClimaStar 82 offers options that enhance your home’s exterior while providing long-lasting durability. Enhanced security features Safety is a top priority for any homeowner, and the ClimaStar 82 windows are designed with this in mind. Rated up to RC2 class for security, these windows incorporate robust construction and advanced locking mechanisms that provide resistance against forced entry attempts. This peace of mind allows homeowners to feel secure in their living spaces without compromising on style or functionality. Sustainability commitment In an era where sustainability is crucial, ClimaStar 82 windows are manufactured using high-quality PVC that is both durable and environmentally friendly. The energy-efficient design reduces heating and cooling costs, contributing to lower energy consumption and environmental impact. By choosing ClimaStar 82 windows, homeowners are making a responsible choice that aligns with sustainable living practices. Versatile applications The versatility of ClimaStar 82 windows makes them suitable for various applications. Whether you are building a new home or renovating an existing property, these windows can accommodate large openings while maintaining structural integrity and performance standards. Their adaptability allows architects and designers to create stunning visual impacts without sacrificing functionality or energy efficiency. Easy maintenance ClimaStar 82 PVC windows are not only designed for performance but also for ease of maintenance. The smooth surface of PVC makes cleaning effortless; simply wipe them down with a damp cloth to keep them looking new. Unlike traditional wooden frames, PVC does not require painting or staining, allowing homeowners to enjoy beautiful windows without the hassle of regular upkeep. Conclusion In conclusion, ClimaStar 82 PVC windows represent the pinnacle of modern window technology, combining exceptional thermal and acoustic insulation with stylish design and enhanced security features. They are an investment in comfort, safety, and sustainability that will elevate any home’s value while providing lasting benefits for years to come.
Kényelmes és energiatakarékos PVC ablakok - ClimaStar 76 (VEKA Softline 76 MD)

Kényelmes és energiatakarékos PVC ablakok - ClimaStar 76 (VEKA Softline 76 MD)

ClimaStar 76 – Comfort, Quiet, and Savings in One Introduction The ClimaStar 76 windows are an advanced solution combining excellent energy efficiency, acoustic protection, and aesthetics. Designed with modern buildings and single-family homes in mind, they are an ideal choice for both new constructions and renovations. With unique technical properties, these windows provide comfort and reliability for many years. Exceptional Energy Efficiency A key advantage of ClimaStar 76 windows is their ability to maintain optimal thermal performance. Featuring a five-chamber VEKA Softline 76 MD profile system with a 76 mm installation depth, these windows minimize heat loss, resulting in a low heat transfer coefficient (Uw). ClimaStar 76 windows are perfectly suited for buildings utilizing modern energy solutions, such as heat pumps or photovoltaic systems. This energy-efficient solution helps reduce heating costs and contributes to a smaller carbon footprint. Top-Level Acoustic Protection In addition to their excellent thermal properties, ClimaStar 76 windows offer outstanding acoustic insulation. With soundproofing capabilities of up to 45 dB, they are an ideal choice for homes in noisy locations—near roads, airports, or city centers. The peace and quiet provided by these windows significantly enhance everyday living comfort. Security and Durability User safety is a priority, which is why ClimaStar 76 windows are designed to resist break-ins. The construction can meet RC2 security class standards, providing robust protection against burglary attempts. The profiles, crafted according to the PN-EN 12608 standard with 3 mm external wall thickness, ensure high durability and long-term reliability. Modern Design and Personalization The aesthetics of ClimaStar 76 windows go hand in hand with their functionality. With a wide range of veneers, including the elegant Spectral option, they can be tailored to any interior and facade style. The rich selection of colors and textures allows full customization, from classic white to striking wood-like finishes. Versatile Applications ClimaStar 76 is suitable for various projects, from new investments to modernizing existing buildings. They perform well in single-family homes, apartments, and public buildings. Thanks to their modern design, they can also be used in larger glazing areas while maintaining high technical performance. Easy Maintenance ClimaStar 76 windows are designed with user convenience in mind. Their surface is easy to clean and requires no complicated maintenance. Unlike wooden frames, the ClimaStar 76 profiles do not need painting or impregnation. Conclusion ClimaStar 76 is one of the most versatile and valued solutions in our range. It combines energy efficiency, excellent acoustic protection, security, and modern design. It is an investment in comfort and durability that will increase the value of any home. By choosing ClimaStar 76, you select windows that meet the highest quality standards and adapt to your needs.
Klasszikus és sokoldalú PVC ablakok - TrendStar 70 (VEKA Softline 70 AD)

Klasszikus és sokoldalú PVC ablakok - TrendStar 70 (VEKA Softline 70 AD)

TrendStar 70 – classic, functionality, and versatility Introduction TrendStar 70 windows combine classic elegance with functionality, making them an ideal solution for multi-family residential buildings and public utility structures. Due to their versatility and reliability, these windows are perfect for both new developments and renovated buildings. A perfect balance of quality and affordability These windows offer an excellent quality-to-price ratio, providing durability and aesthetics at an affordable cost. This makes them an ideal choice for investors seeking building solutions with strong technical parameters without exceeding budget constraints. With a wide selection of available veneers and the full RAL color palette, TrendStar 70 windows can be tailored to specific projects without compromising on aesthetics. Acoustic comfort Urban living often comes with noise, and TrendStar 70 windows offer excellent acoustic insulation of up to 39 dB. This makes them an excellent choice for buildings near busy roads, airports, or city centers. This solution ensures peace and comfort indoors, regardless of the external noise levels. Safety and durability TrendStar 70 also ensures high safety levels with the use of the Veka Perfectline 70 AD profile system and the possibility of equipping the windows with RC2 burglary resistance. The construction is robust and resistant to damage, made with high-quality materials and external wall thickness standards in line with industry norms. VEKA's solid profiles ensure long-term durability. Classic aesthetic and customization options With a classic design, TrendStar 70 windows fit perfectly into various architectural styles. Available decorative veneers allow customization to match interior and exterior designs. The windows can be ordered in the full RAL color palette, enabling a perfect fit for any project. From traditional to modern buildings, TrendStar 70 offers a universal solution suitable for multi-family housing, public utility buildings, and new investments. Ease of maintenance TrendStar 70 windows are designed for user convenience. Their surfaces are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance, making them a practical and time-saving option for property owners. Summary In summary, TrendStar 70 windows are a solution that meets the needs of modern construction by offering durability, aesthetics, and high functionality at an affordable price. With innovative production technologies and attention to detail, TrendStar 70 meets all the basic expectations of investors, providing solid thermal insulation, acoustic comfort, safety, and ease of maintenance. They can be successfully applied to a wide range of buildings, from residential complexes to public structures, ensuring long-term comfort and reliability.
Tartós és modern alumínium ablakok AluStar 86 (Aluprof MB 86)

Tartós és modern alumínium ablakok AluStar 86 (Aluprof MB 86)

AluStar 86 – durable construction and modern design Introduction AluStar 86 is an advanced system that combines exceptional durability with excellent energy efficiency. Thanks to its design, the AluStar 86 window allows for the creation of large structures that are resistant to harsh weather conditions. This makes it an ideal solution for modern residential buildings, public facilities, and offices. By combining solid construction with aesthetics, AluStar 86 is an excellent choice for demanding investors looking for a system with strong technical parameters. Energy efficiency The advanced construction of the Aluprof MB 86 profiles not only ensures high durability but also provides excellent thermal insulation. With three internal chambers and a frame depth of 77 mm, the system effectively protects against heat loss. AluStar 86 is one of the most energy-efficient solutions available on the market, making it an attractive choice for those seeking energy efficiency in construction. Resistance to harsh weather conditions AluStar 86 stands out for its high resistance to adverse weather conditions, including strong winds and rain. Thanks to the precisely designed two-component central seal, the window has excellent air and water tightness, ensuring comfort of use and minimizing the risk of leaks. This system is ideal for buildings exposed to harsh weather, such as those in coastal areas or locations with high wind exposure. Acoustic insulation AluStar 86 also provides excellent acoustic insulation, achieving soundproofing levels of up to 47 dB. This makes it an ideal solution for buildings located in noisy areas, such as city centers or facilities near major transportation routes. Uncompromising security AluStar 86 offers the option of using anti-burglary glass and other security solutions, ensuring that the window reaches the RC4 break-in resistance class. This provides a high level of protection against potential intruders. Personalization options AluStar 86 allows for a wide range of customization in both aesthetics and functionality. This system enables the creation of designs with hidden sashes, ensuring a modern, unique look. Additionally, the availability of various types of glass, including anti-burglary and acoustic glass, allows the window to be tailored to the user's specific needs. AluStar 86 windows are available in various colors and finishes, making them easy to match with the architectural style of any project. Ease of maintenance The AluStar 86 system is also designed for easy maintenance. Its construction minimizes the need for frequent upkeep, saving time and money. Thanks to the use of high-quality materials, AluStar 86 windows are exceptionally resistant to dirt and easy to clean. Conclusion AluStar 86 is a window and door system that combines exceptional durability, energy efficiency, excellent acoustic insulation, and security. Thanks to innovative design solutions, AluStar 86 meets the demands of both modern residential buildings and public facilities. Its technologically advanced construction and customization options make it an ideal solution for investors looking for durable and functional products of the highest quality.
Nagyon tartós és energiahatékony alumínium ablakok AluStar 104 (Aluprof MB 104)

Nagyon tartós és energiahatékony alumínium ablakok AluStar 104 (Aluprof MB 104)

AluStar 104 – Uncompromising Durability and Energy Efficiency Overwiev AluStar 104 is an advanced window system that offers exceptional thermal insulation and high resistance to weather conditions, including strong wind gusts. Thanks to its extremely airtight construction, AluStar 104 is the ideal solution for energy-efficient buildings. AluStar 104 can be used in residential construction, winter gardens, shop windows, and vestibules, where both thermal performance and resistance to extreme weather conditions are required. Windows for passive houses One of the main advantages of the AluStar 104 system is its excellent thermal insulation. The system is certified by the Passive House Institute PHI Darmstadt, ensuring the highest standards of energy savings and sustainable development. The window achieves a Uw value of 0.74 W/m²K for a glazing package of 4/18/4/18/4, making it an ideal solution for passive houses. AluStar 104 effectively limits the influx of cold air in winter and protects against excessive heat buildup in warmer months. This ensures comfortable conditions year-round, reducing energy consumption and improving the building’s energy efficiency. Wind and water resistance AluStar 104 stands out for its exceptional resistance to extreme weather conditions. The system withstands strong wind gusts up to 200 km/h, making it ideal for buildings exposed to harsh weather, such as in coastal or mountainous regions. With high resistance to water, AluStar 104 also provides excellent protection against moisture infiltration. The system also guarantees very good sound insulation, achieving a soundproofing level of up to 46 dB. This is a great solution for buildings located in city centers or near major transportation routes. Durability and safety The window construction is characterized by high rigidity, strength, and durability. The installation depth is 95 mm, and the profile system comes from the Aluprof MB 104 series, ensuring exceptional stability and resistance to damage. The system can be adapted to high burglary resistance requirements, achieving RC3 classification. As a result, AluStar 104 provides safety for the residents and users of the buildings. Customization and versatility AluStar 104 allows for a wide range of customization, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. AluStar 104 windows can be used in various types of buildings, such as winter gardens, shop windows, vestibules, and standard residential buildings. The system offers many finishing options, allowing for perfect adaptation to the project, both in terms of color and architectural style. Summary AluStar 104 is a window system that combines the highest thermal insulation, wind and water resistance, excellent sound insulation, and high security. Thanks to its innovative design and certification from the Passive House Institute PHI Darmstadt, it is the ideal solution for energy-efficient and passive buildings. The modern technology, durability, and versatility of the system meet the highest demands of investors seeking products with superior functionality.